Watching families we knew home schooling their children across two decades was a huge draw to me but our own home school journey only began in 2015 when our youngest two children (of seven) entered years 10 and 2. This was a dream come true for me, and while it now is our ‘normal’- I can’t see it ever losing its buzz. đŸ™‚

I fully recognise that home schooling isn’t for everyone – I am not in the business of trying to convice anyone they should do it… or that any one way is better than another way. However I am in the business of attempting to encourage others by whatever means I can, so this section of By Heart and Hand aims to encourage and equip other homeschool families. Not comprehensively – there are tonnes of other resources out there – but in the little niches I find – largely through simply passing on the information I gather and glean for our own family.
Something that many find difficult in the home shool realm, is the narrowing of choices and options for resources. There literally are thousands upon thousands of options – and therefore, if you’re an epic menu-reader like me, this can be overwhelming. But. I LOVE that these choices belong to me now. Yes it is time consuming. Yes it can be tricky to decide between great and also great. But other factors such as time, budget, number of children – all help to whittle those choices down. And the brilliant thing is – if a resource isn’t working, or all it was cracked up to be – we as parents, get to change tack! How great is that!
So anyway – this page will update from time to time. but the link below will update more regularly so please visit again – or better yet, subscribe on the home page to be notified of new posts/articles.
Click here to see the f list of blog posts regarding home education – and use the drop down menu to find others also. Many articles include links to online sources or original PDF downloads.