By topic – adding more over time. What you find here is the best I have come across within each area.
In Australia the Womens DV helpline number is a free call:
1800 007 339
Note from Heather – when there are no bruises, most on the receiving end of harmful communication patterns are initially unable to recognise their situations as abusive… if this is you, yet you know your relationship has you in deep confusion… read on.
- Video series: Understanding the Dynamics of Abuse – Bob Hamp
- Book: The Emotionally Destructive Marriage – Leslie Vernick
- Website: Leslie Vernick
- Video: The Difference Between difficult, disappointing & destructive marriages – Leslie Vernick
- Book: Why does He do That – Lundy Bancroft
(Inside the minds of angry controlling men)
- Book: Is it Me – Natalie Hoffman (first chapter free)
- Website: Flying Free Now – Natalie Hoffman
- Facebook page: Flying Free
- Facebook page: Give Her Wings
- Facebook page: Patrick Doyle
————————————- - For male receivers of female abuse: Just as trapped
ABUSE ADVOCACY – recovery & companioning
- Program: Give Her Wings – Megan Cox and other contributors
- Program: Conquor – Leslie Vernick
- Program: Flying Free Sisterhood – Natalie Hoffman
- Website: is a brilliant and extensive website from Henry Cloud. There is a small monthly suscription – about $15 aus (stop at any time) with a 14 day intro period for free.
- Other books: by Henry Cloud. While I have not read them all, I’ve read enough that if he has a book title that fits your situation – I’d recommend it!
CHILDREN – regarding porn and abuse
- Post & website: Kids & Porn – resource blog post with links to articles, book, course etc
- Video: The Problem Jesus came to solve – Bob Hamp
- Extensive website: Think Differently Academy website – Bob & Polly Hamp
- Books on: Kindle by Bob Hamp
- Video: Bob Hamp on forgiveness – as a lecture at TD Academy
- Vimeo video: Bob Hamp on forgiveness – as a sermon
- A Grief Observed by CS Lewis
- Finding Meaning by David Kessler
- Hole in the World by Amanda Held Opelt
- Whats Your Grief by Eleanor Hayley & Litsa Williams
- Every Moment Holy Volume II Death, Grief & Hope by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
This is a concept you can google or speak to a counsellor about. I have not found a specific piece that I’m 100% comfortable posting but separation can save marriages when there’s such breakage and dysfunction that continuing in the melting pot is no longer going anywhere good. Separation doesn’t need to be the first step to divorce though it is frequently seen that way… It is a very grave decision and needs clear counsel.
Look for these terms “Healing separation”; “Therapeutic separation”; “Restorative separation”. The one article I will link is by Leslie Vernick and does not lay out the structure or possible elements of how an agreement might be made but brings Scriptural wisdom to the table… here is a quote from the first point of the article “Scripture Support for Separation from Destructive Spouse”.
- Book: Bold Love – Dan Allender (Loving a fool, an evil person or a regular sinner!)
- Book: Boundaries in Marriage – Henry Cloud
- Book: The Great Sex Rescue – Sheila Wray Gregoire
- Book: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work – John Gottman
- Marriage enrichment: Prepare Enrich – message Heather (certified facilitator)
- Article: Mirror Mirror in the Pond – Heather McEwan
- Youtube list: Dr Les Carter
- Video: Top pick of Dr Les Carter “Two Way Dishonesty”
- Courses: Dr Les Carter – three course options at value pricing!
- Facebook page: Surviving Narcissism Dr Les Carter
- Book: Unpunishable – Danny Silk
- Youtube video: Is He Really Sorry? – Leslie Vernick
- Course: Emotion Coaching – Gottman Institute
- Website: Bill Eddy – Conflict Issues
- Sample course list: Bill Eddy/High Conflict Institute
Dealing with Narcissistic Personalities
Who Are High Conflict People? – for anyone
How to Write a BIFF Response® – for anyone
Resistance, Refusal, and the Child’s Brain – aimed for professionals
Borderline Personalities in Divorce – aimed for professionals