Kids & Porn – resource post

I don’t know if any parent is not going to find their kids
– either stumbling onto
– or being introduced to porn
to be an issue in the current media landscape.

Cannot imagine it at all.

For many till now, this discovery will have been a baptism of fire but slowly proactive approaches and good resourcing is becoming known and available.

I bought this book – what feels like 3 lifetimes ago but was only in 2016 and since then the author has developed a website with a heap of great stuff.

There are excellent articles, free and low priced downloadable guides and a course for kids/families.

I particularly like this author as her approach was to equip without further harm. This book is possible to read with small children, beginning a foundation with little understanding – or be used in a way where the parent speaks as much as necessary into the pages as their own context requires.

At the time of writing – Koorong in Australia has the book in stock – and the remainder on the website is downloadable.

I wish you didn’t need it.

But I’m grateful this exists.

Grace to your conversations and peace to your hearts and minds,


Here’s a screenshot of todays top listed articles.