
I started getting to know *Maya about 18 months ago and here is a *post from her heart just this week. Gosh I love this girl. For who she is and the light of *Whose* she is that shines.

There’s a joy that encompasses and moves with and flows out of her. And it’s not that she doesn’t still know hard times, but she knows The King who is bigger, Who came and got her, and Who walks with her daily.

There was something about this joy of hers that sang to me when I first saw her. Inaudible but un-ignorable.

Continue reading “*Maya”

Body Jewellery

When the nurse showed me the speci-jar containing the gall stones they’d removed – they were exactly the colour of gravel with similar shapes in graded in sizes as they’d nested alongside each other as they grew for many years… the size of conkers all the way down to a dehydrated pea. When our kids teacher brought hers to school for the kindy kids post-surgery, they were all pea sized and gravel coloured. When a friend had hers out – they were chick-pea size, faceted, greenish/brownish, similar sized – and pretty – like beads!

Would I have worn them?

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