Pigs and pearls, good as evil

27 March 2014

It’s a tricky balance this speaking up for what you believe on a public forum.

This verse is about appropriate application – NOT name calling – and is often my decider on whether to get involved or not. (Usually not)

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

You might just as easily say “do not hang your fragile crystal in a hurricane and expect it back intact”.

I have been torn to pieces in the past… unnecessarily because I didn’t understand/apply this proverb.

It isn’t of course a stand-alone principle- there are always other things to consider… like this:

“Therefore do not let what you know is good be spoken of as evil.”

But even that is clarifying… the reverse can be a trap.

PsedoPsalm 1:1

You know those problems in kids tests where they have to draw a line between column A and column B to match things that go together?

If one of those existed at the beginning of the year, showing me A) Stuff I’ve prayed about and B) How God would answer/fulfil/progress them, I could NEVER have matched up those pairs.

He is stunning.
He is amazing.
He pulls rabbits out of hats and carnations out of sleeves.
He is behind and before.
He’s in the heights and the depths.
He totally knocks my socks off.

PsedoPsalm 1:1

Multiple choice

Choose the correct answer. Then choose the one most likely for you to do.

And when they heard that The Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they

a) bowed down and worshipped… (Exodus 4:31) … or

b) sat down and spat it big time saying “if you were real you’d never let anything bad happen and I’d be happy all the time therefore you’re not real” – never realising the madness of actually addressing such a figment of imagination. (Extrapolations 1:1)

Important Note:  Extrapolations is not an actual book of the Bible.  🙂