Hindsight is a different beast – Bible overview

Understanding when the books of the Bible were ‘penned’ helps us understand the events, stories and intended meaning so much more… including helping us discern what is past, present and still yet future.

I gave a brief little Bible overview in a small group setting this week, and a friend asked if I’d write it down for her – which was of course my great delight. So here it is…

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What Tomatoes taught me about God

It is a very good thing that God isn’t like me. My interest in raising these tomatoes lasted longer than in my usual horticultural efforts, but it still waned. After a couple of months I was forgetful and busier in other directions and sure as you like, I forgot to keep watering, checking, restaking. Thankfully Rod noticed my usual gardening habits had kicked in and he picked up on the watering so they didn’t die but their yield won’t be as big as if I’d maintained more thorough care in the early weeks.

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The One to Whom it belongs

I came across a clip the other day exploring the meaning of the Hebrew word for ‘placenta’.  I don’t know if it’s a bit of a stretch but having done some of my own scratching around I do find it plausible.  The word in Hebrew is “shilyah” and it covers not only the placenta but also the afterbirth/umbilical cord and is also used as “toward her young one”.

‘Shilyah’ is a compound word made of “shil” (Shilo) and “Yah”.

‘Shilo’ means: “The one to whom it belongs”.

“Yah” (or Jah) being: a short form of Yahweh the proper name of God Hebrew Bible.

So what?

Referring to the entire contents of the womb, the products of conception… “Shilyah – The One to whom it belongs – Yahweh”

More than three ways

Something churchy I’ve picked up over the years is that God answers prayer in three ways… that He either says “yes”, “no” or “wait”. I see an incompleteness in this idea… it is so very tidy –and it defines prayer as asking God FOR stuff. Maybe His answers are as diverse as the types of conversations we have with Him and certainly as diverse as those with any OTHER friend. I mean, regular friends often just hang out together and listen to each other and He is certainly not less than that.

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Trumpet sounds

When I was a young teen, the topic of the second coming/the rapture/the tribulation/end of days was a hot and common topic in the church. It does still come up, but much less than years ago and mostly I think viewed with suspicion and there-goes-a-fruit-loop-ism these days. Suspicion is good if it makes you look for Bible truth, and so is there-goes-a-fruit-loop-ism for the same reason, but mostly I think it’s I’m-havening-a-nice-life-don’t-interrupt-me-ism or maybe a case of no-one-ever-told-me-Jesus-is-coming-back-ism. Or maybe fear.

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