Teens & Transitions #2

This is a bit of a cheats post I suppose. Instead of stories, examples or home-grown parables I’m just posting a list of questions and a couple of Scriptures to help parents of teens/young adults discern when to speak and when to keep silent in their young people’s lives.

Obviously there’s a great deal of difference between situations – and not all these questions are applicable to all scenarios, but maybe something will click and be of help…. a 12 year old, or a 22 year old living in the parents’ home, a 22 year old whose behaviour/choices are affecting younger siblings, a 22 year old living away from home or a 22 year old that is married.

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Teens and transitions #1

We have 7 amazing kids. Except I falter at calling them kids anymore since 6 of them are adults between the ages of 19-29 (well almost 29. Make that 28 and 11/12ths).

I LOVE this phase of ‘parenting’ so much. (I used to think the newborn stage was my favourite – but maybe this is. Which’d be awesome since this phase lasts now till I croak it.) Part of why I love this phase so much is because the work is ‘done’ and I get to enjoy them all in a different way to before… alongside them as much as they welcome me – with different senses of freedom for each than when they were smaller.

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