Site changes

So I’ve had a little tidy up and among other things have changed the main banner, some site headings and added some new sections.

Don’t-cha love that teeny shell? Two sets of craftsmans fingerprints in one image!

Primarily though, the thing I’d like most to bring your attention to is the “Highly Recommended” tab under “Heartlife” above. It’s a little bit backwards to have a sub heading funtioning before a main heading – but hey. Backwards it is.

The Highly Recommended page is where I’ll post the best of the best that I’ve come across in some difficult life areas. These are the areas people most send private messages about.

As I said yesterday – I wish you didn’t need most of what’s here – but in case you ever do – it’s there. Abuse; Boundaries; Children and Porn; Freedom; Forgiveness; Love; Marriage; Narcissism; Repentance; Solo parenting Issues.

Have a look around and if you see anything that neets tweaking please let me know!

Stay tuned on the Heartlife thing… more news to come in time!

“That” woman!

The woman described in Proverbs 31 brings anything and everything between motivation and interest to sighs and groans of loathing. This will depend on the age and season of the woman and her experience of marriage and family – but mainly it will depend on the way she has perceived the passage to have been taught. This little offering of mine is to share some thoughts as I see the chapter in question…

Continue reading ““That” woman!”

What Tomatoes taught me about God

It is a very good thing that God isn’t like me. My interest in raising these tomatoes lasted longer than in my usual horticultural efforts, but it still waned. After a couple of months I was forgetful and busier in other directions and sure as you like, I forgot to keep watering, checking, restaking. Thankfully Rod noticed my usual gardening habits had kicked in and he picked up on the watering so they didn’t die but their yield won’t be as big as if I’d maintained more thorough care in the early weeks.

Continue reading “What Tomatoes taught me about God”