Hindsight is a different beast – Bible overview

Understanding when the books of the Bible were ‘penned’ helps us understand the events, stories and intended meaning so much more… including helping us discern what is past, present and still yet future.

I gave a brief little Bible overview in a small group setting this week, and a friend asked if I’d write it down for her – which was of course my great delight. So here it is…

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In common with Jonah

Imagine God told YOU to hop on a plane and head for Mosul (where ISIS is wreaking havoc) tomorrow morning. Imagine He said to you to go, be a single solitary lone voice there. To stand in the streets and preach repentance or doom at the hand of God. Would you go? Would you run the opposite direction? I do often feel poor old Jonah has been harshly judged by us folks who’d have been equally terrified.

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