It is for freedom

I have been thinking a lot about the difference and overlap between the need for redemption and the need for forgiveness.

The transaction at that fateful tree, transferred the birthright of all Eves children from the Kingdom of Light, to the Kingdom of Darkness when she believed and acted on the persuasions of an upstart Prince – over the presence, blessing and promises of the King of All.

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Scary prayers

Reasons God doesn’t answer our prayers. The standard human responses to that question are that He will answer with either a ‘yes’, a ‘no’, or a ‘wait’. There have been many prayers I’ve prayed that I have not seen the answers I desired to see. Many. Some I have still not reached a place of peace about… either because someone I love died, or because I’m still currently waiting and hoping.

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Soul cleanse

I would never begin a project if I knew it was going to take me five years to complete.  For goodness sake, I’ve never even finished knitting a scarf!

Most would be familiar with what the words ‘colon cleanse’ represent, right?  Well, something similar in a non-physical manner of speaking, is a ‘soul cleanse’, which happened to me when our teeny grandson came and went within the space of 22 days. 

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The Maker

I’ve never believed that PMS is an excuse for bad behaviour. It might be a reason, but it’s not an excuse. That was easier in the days when it never affected me but these days there’s a couple of times in the month when my tolerance factor drops waaaaaaaaaay down from my fairly placid usual self. I still believe PMS isn’t an excuse for bad behaviour but I’ve discovered that just knowing that, doesn’t give way to automatically behaving well… and even less so, feeling like I WANT to behave well.

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