What About the Tree of Death?

I had a very stark experience a number of years ago where I rang a particular centre for help with a confidential issue and found this marvellous woman on the other end of the line who spoke LIFE for the first time into the setting I described to her. Others had stood beside, but were all pretty much as lost in it as I, but THIS woman – THIS woman had understanding, experience and light to share which breathed hope and an aliveness I didn’t know was possible in the circumstances until that moment. From that point on I could move with hope and expectation though nothing about the setting changed. She showed me the difference between words without and words WITH – life.

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Moving out of home

Leaving the home of your childhood on good terms has a sweetness and a piquancy to it and has been an illustration to me of how it has felt to move on from the church community I spent about 40 years of my life in… but just like parents don’t stop being parents, church family doesn’t stop being family regardless of the meeting place.