Shalom Church

Tonight I sang in a congregation where the force of voice volume was an experience in and of itself. To hear a couple hundred male voices ‘cling to the old rugged cross’ and actually mean it was awefilling to me… and then I sat under the preaching of a bald, tattooed tough guy while tears coursed down his face. I am dancing on the inside.


Moving out of home

Leaving the home of your childhood on good terms has a sweetness and a piquancy to it and has been an illustration to me of how it has felt to move on from the church community I spent about 40 years of my life in… but just like parents don’t stop being parents, church family doesn’t stop being family regardless of the meeting place.


Portable church

Shopping at our nearest shopping centre today (Midland Gate) when I ran into someone I have immense respect for. We didn’t sing and we didn’t pray, but we did have Church right there as we talked. It’s nearly 6 years since I stood in the almost exact same place having church with one friend, and then another, and another – like a group skydive – each grabbing hold of the other as they floated by ‘by chance’.

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Overview of the Feasts of Israel (that have little to do with food!)

Just a little over a year ago I barely had even as much as a surface knowledge of the 7 Feasts of Israel. I had never given a moments thought to the few times I had noticed a specific month named in the Bible – they are in a different language (!!!) so had never bothered to wonder when these mentioned things happened in our frame of reference… but all this changed and my fascination with these subjects has brought depth and dimension to my life in ways I could never have imagined.

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