Portable church

Shopping at our nearest shopping centre today (Midland Gate) when I ran into someone I have immense respect for. We didn’t sing and we didn’t pray, but we did have Church right there as we talked. It’s nearly 6 years since I stood in the almost exact same place having church with one friend, and then another, and another – like a group skydive – each grabbing hold of the other as they floated by ‘by chance’.

That day I was grieving… today this friend was grieving while personally I’m in a season of joy.

Two significant bookend events.

Come to think of it – I have Church quite frequently in Midland Gate… moments of pure and deep sharing when there is time to stop and connect.

Like the day I sat there tag team crying with another friend as we shared our own deepest sorrow. Feeling ridiculous but so very glad for each others company.

There’s a story of a missionary/teacher who would get up each morning and say to God “What are you doing today Lord – can I be in it?”

Love that prayer.

Love running into friends.

Love portable Church.

* Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
* A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance…