Psalm 25 for reals

Psalm 25 grabbed hold of me a few days ago.

I’ve read and reread it.
Listened to it several times.
Searched for songs based on it –
– and had already decided to write about it verse by verse when, today it came up as part of a homework question in a book I’m reading along with some friends.

Here is one of my homework answers 🙂

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Once upon a time there was a girl who repented, and determined to never again fail her Lord in the manner of presuming upon His later forgiveness.

Problem was that her white knuckled determination to do the right thing became its own heavy yoke.

She forgot her Jesus wanted to share His strength to her so she soldiered and she soldiered until one day –

– she couldn’t.

And then she saw Him waiting to share. And she let Him.

Now her repentance says something like:

“Oh Lord I’m sorry.
I can’t undo [ – fill in the blank -] and I can’t not need your blood regardless of how I try to put things right, or work at living right.
Whatever you say now… I want to do.
I want to hear you.
My resolutions and determined ways of pleasing you might even have made me miss what you were saying.
My resolutions and determined ways of making sure I didn’t disappoint you were a distraction – and a weight you didn’t mean for me.
Oh Lord, thankyou for waiting.
I want to hear and be where your Life Words are”.