It is for freedom

I have been thinking a lot about the difference and overlap between the need for redemption and the need for forgiveness.

The transaction at that fateful tree, transferred the birthright of all Eves children from the Kingdom of Light, to the Kingdom of Darkness when she believed and acted on the persuasions of an upstart Prince – over the presence, blessing and promises of the King of All.

How could she.

How could she?

Don’t we?

Just as the child born into a slave family is not born free, we are born into a darkness we didn’t chose which still means we need to be bought out of it. A price had to be paid, another legal transaction entered into to transfer legal residence back to the Kingdom of Light. A way was always going to be in place for that – and is of course the Way of the Cross – but my thoughts here are on, as I said, the difference and overlap between redemption and forgiveness.

I have wrestled with the idea of needing forgiveness for a state I didn’t choose, but is nevertheless the state that I am in. The state of humanity born into a place where evil reigns. It doesn’t reign free – but it does abound. Born into this state, with a disposition to sin I need forgiveness for the wrongs I commit, but my humanity needs redeeming from the state I am in.

The word “redeem” means “to regain possession of by payment” or “buy back something that was lost.”

The birthright of my humanity needs redeeming.

My sinful state needs redeeming.

The effects of others sins against me need redeeming.

My fear based choices stemming from the effect of the sins of others need redeeming.

My sins need forgiveness.

My fear and sin based patterns need both redeeming and forgiveness.

And it all can be.

There are streams in the desert and wells of salvation. Plural.

The water that washes all comes from one Source.
