All over tan

I’ve said before how I love being around older couples who have been married and in love for a long time because they teach without even being aware that they do. 

One of these couples that I love being with have a clear and obvious love for each other.  They hold hands, they sit close, they look into each other’s eyes and they listen.  Oh boy, there’s a testimony.  They absolutely listen to each other when they speak.  They don’t hurry one another; they display comfort, respect, interest, desire and ease in each other’s space and with each other’s mind.  They are no strangers to hardship and issues, within and with-out but they’ve learned to walk beside.

They absolutely love going off and camping together.  They love to be off the beaten track in places where there are no people and no facilities.  Particularly near a beach in hot weather.  They will go for weeks at a time, returning for grandchildren and responsibility with short ventures in between for supplies.

They cook on an open fire.

They bathe in the sea. And I bet they’ve both got a wicked all-over tan.