Mother guilt

There was a post in a group for big families about “mother guilt”… I wrote this post there but thought I’d share it here too as I think it applies no matter whether we have 1 child or 13…

When we had our 6th I spoke to our obstetrician who was an older father of 6 and said “how can we be sure we will be able to give each of our kids what they really need from us?”. He put his pen down and leaned back in his chair smiling and slightly shaking his head… I KNEW he understood my question. I don’t remember everything he said but one of the things was that not everything our kids need has to come from US as their parents. That slightly discomforted me because in essence I really WANTED to be the sun in our kids worlds… (another issue to work on) but the very next morning as I went to wake kids for school, there was the 3 yo in bed with the 7 yo being read a story. And I understood what the Dr had said – and was happy about it.

His other answers would have been from the perspective of an older parent along the lines of… our kids (like us) have their whole lives to fill. To learn, to grow, to experience. We don’t need to pack it all into their childhoods. And not everything we want to give are the same as what they actually NEED…

And to that I would now add:
– concentrate on what they need, not on what we want, or even on what we think they want – and we will find MUCH less to feel guilty about. Love, safety, security – our best to deliver a whole and rounded life… these are their true needs…

– recognise the difference between guilt and grief. Guilt implies that there is something we could have or should have done differently. Guilt implies wrongdoing or harm caused. If something is true guilt – we can usually do something about it… change the scenario, apologise, restore with he person we harmed… But no child is harmed by lack of luxury and these are so often the things we feel ‘guilty’ over.

– Looking back there’s not a lot I feel *guilty of (have tried to keep short records with our kids – not because I’ve done it all perfectly – and still talking to them about things now they’re nearly all grown up), but there are a number of things I feel a measure of ‘grief’ over. Sadness for a few of life’s ‘optionals’ that we just couldn’t do because of time or money or prioritization restraints… and that’s OK. Guilt is debilitating – particularly false guilt . Its like continually feeling compelled to run into a rock wall as though you should be able to run through it when you cannot. Grief or sadness IS still sad, its a statement of how it is, but it doesn’t bruise OR abuse us in the same way.

– every single family, big or small has its own set of restrictions. We live much more content and peacefully when we accept whatever our OWN sets of restrictions and benefits are.

PS Date: 18 June 2020
My understanding of the way I mothered has grown over the last 6 years since writing this and apart from rewriting the whole thing – just want to add a couple of things.
Guilt is something Jesus paid to take off my shoulders so in the last 6 years as I’ve come to understand some things differently, I have indeed had washes and waves come over me as I see things I wish I’d done different if only I’d understood then. The stunning thing about His love though is that even while the retrospective realisations are true – He also takes the these burdens off me as I turn each of those things… and the kids themselves with all the results and effects to Him for His care. I’ve known some fresher sorrows, but He calls me to trust Him.

How we are heard

Perspectives and misunderstandings are fascinating. I used to say regularly at bedtime to one of our boys when they were little “I love you to bits”. One night he looked so sad so I paused at his door and he said “Mummy, why do you only love me two bits?” It’s not just what we say, it’s how we get heard, and how we get heard depends only partially on what we say.

PsedoPsalm 1:1

You know those problems in kids tests where they have to draw a line between column A and column B to match things that go together?

If one of those existed at the beginning of the year, showing me A) Stuff I’ve prayed about and B) How God would answer/fulfil/progress them, I could NEVER have matched up those pairs.

He is stunning.
He is amazing.
He pulls rabbits out of hats and carnations out of sleeves.
He is behind and before.
He’s in the heights and the depths.
He totally knocks my socks off.

PsedoPsalm 1:1

Disasters of differing proportions

Saturday’s hair fail was by no means in the same league as The Great Orange Fringe Disaster of ’87, but it wasn’t one of my finest pieces of handiwork either. I bought what I assumed would be a light brown to just colour over the greys and faded foils in my already dark brown hair – happily and hurriedly applied it, wrapped my head in glad wrap (as you do) and went about my merry way for the next half hour.

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A different kind of prayer

A verse I’ve been thinking on a bit this holidays is Malachi 3:16

Years ago I made a new friend when she shifted to the hills, came to our church and asked our then minister for someone to meet and pray with… he put her in touch with me and we became deep, instant and now longtime friends as we met together to pray every fortnight or so for several years. Our third was a baby when we met, and she came and prayed and chatted and folded washing with me through the births of the next 3 kids.

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Shallow to deep

I had a conversation a few years ago about how ‘small talk’ drove me bananas… one of the things said by the other person was that ‘small talk’ was actually incredibly important.

Imagine a world without “Hi” and “how are you”? Without chatting over the weather or other safe topics? While its true that I love deeeeeeep deeeeeeeeeeep chats, I’m so glad we had that one as it has given me food for thought and reasons to notice more detail.

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Nativity means…?

Did anyone celebrate Christmas today?

Until about two minutes ago – I had never ever wondered about the word ‘nativity’. I was looking at the Calendar of Days below and saw that today is “Epiphany” or “Twelfth Night” – and since I didn’t really know what they were, looked them up and found myself wondering about “nativity’ as well. It’s a word that’s become such a part of Christmas I’d never thought about it having a meaning separate to that.

Continue reading “Nativity means…?”