I once planted a garden with some floaty ideas of what I might like to do there when it was fully formed. I didn’t have a timeline or finish date… I never quiiiiiiite finished and I’ve never done any of the ideas i first imagined in that lovely little space that is now falling down and is beyond my capacity to repair.
Continue reading “At Christmas: Who you say I am”Partners
Nice mechanic
Free advice AND fix from mechanic today on car air con problem “Drive faster an’ put both windows down”
A bit blind
Two Wrappings – an unusual Christmas Meditation
Jesus was wrapped and laid down two times – once each at the book-ends of His physical time earthside.
They wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger.
They wrapped Him in linen cloths and laid him in a tomb.
A Tale of Two Martins
The fellas at Shalom House have very varied stories, but two of the same name came to mind this morning. Every Saturday night there is a bring & share meal and one of these dinners found us sitting at a table with the older Martin – and his dad. They sat quietly together but smiled and spoke when friendliness was extended.
Continue reading “A Tale of Two Martins”