Have you heard the wailing of the peoples of the earth
As she groans and turns and awaits the coming
Of the Redeemer?
Have you heard the wail
Arising from every nation tribe and tongue?
Every language known to man
From the dawn of time as one?
Through the separation and babble of Babel
Over centuries – And agonies
Of death and disaster disease and distress dying and loving and loss and pain?
For the splittest of seconds I heard it.
I saw it.
I was part of the weight of it from just one corner…
One acre
One moment
One loss
A part of all others losses and the sound was a deafening Niagara roar of loss and misty grey above the stones.
How do you bear it Lord
How do you bear the losses of the creation You love
All at once…????
The Cross is how.
All creation groans and waits for the coming of the King
That which matters
Is not that which is temporary
Only love remains.
You teach us to number what matters.
All the weights belong to You.
They always have.