“Another” song about Love

Love doesn’t act against itself.
Love isn’t irritable.
Love isn’t malicious.

Love fills others up with the good stored up in the heart and doesn’t demand, diminish, require, or seek to fill it’s lack by taking or desiring from others.

It doesn’t manipulate or dominate or use.

Love sees itself honestly and doesn’t inflate itself; it’s abilities – or preferences.
Love encourages and builds up.
It teaches. It shows.
It demonstrates itself.
It doesn’t tear people down.

It doesn’t mine-under.

Love gives freedom to keep in step or not.
And love knows how to stay in step.

Love doesn’t push itself onto others.
It looks out for the good of others at cost to self but not the betrayal of what is true.

It is consistent- inward and outward.
Honest- inward and outward.

Love forgives and throws away the score-card while learning along the way.
Love sees sins and patterns with compassion and fitting response.
Love prunes and waters and digs in manure and prays and waits for fruit in kind and season.

Love sees and sorrows at evil.
Love neither participates with it.

It sings, dances and walks in perfect step, timing and harmony with truth.

It is beautiful.

Love lingers and waits and walks beside.
It hopes and believes for the best and carries a light.

Love can’t fail because it’s it’s own complete thing… since it doesn’t demand it’s own way, the congruence of mercy, justice, truth and freedom – shines out in the dark.

And when love is received and known and reciprocal… now there’s a Song…!