Mirror Mirror in the Pond

A Tale about Narcissism.

– from before the glass kind.
– a Greek legend in summary.


Narcissus is the son of a river god and a nymph, who grows to be so beautiful that he finds he is loved and admired wherever he goes yet finds no one to whom he can return the same affection.

Echo is a nymph who is cursed with only being able to repeat the last sounds and words of others. 

One day Echo sees Narcissus out in the woods and falls madly in love with him.  She makes herself known to him but can only repeat what he says and just like her predecessors – is rejected.

Narcissus catches sight of his own reflection in a still pond and is immediately captivated. 
Who is this beauty? 
He desires to know! 

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Read every day looking for Head, Heart and Huh? moments.

🧠 Head – look for the Proverbs you have seen play out in life as true.

💕 Heart – look for the Proverbs that have deeply worked something in your heart beyond a head kind of observation. Words that have specifically come ALIVE in your spirit!

😵‍💫 Huh??? Look for segments that make you scratch your head and think “Huh?! What’s that mean? I’ve never noticed that! That makes no sense to me!”

Continue reading “TIMES 12 CLUB – JUNE 2022 FOCUS”