Every now and then, one of those ‘letters from God’ does the email rounds… I always feel a bit reserved/dubious about them so about 10 years ago I did a bunch of searching through the Scriptures and put together this one…

Sometimes people have special names for certain special people. These names indicate a depth of relationship… a level of intimacy shared. Often these names would not be appropriate if they were used by others outside that relationship. Did you know that your Father in heaven has a secret name chosen for you? One that only you and He will know…This name is written on a white stone…
A white stone! Isn’t that a bit weird? In Biblical times, different coloured pebbles were used in certain kinds of trade and to signify certain things… A white pebble signified entry. Personalized entry to the kingdom of Heaven.
Whenever I get lost in the bigness of God’s plan… whenever I wonder; do I really matter to Him? – I come back to that verse about my secret name. It doesn’t get much more personal than that.

The Father says to you
Daughter. . . Son . . . Me . . .
You are mine. I formed you and made you, called you, ordered and numbered your days. I made you in my image, to know me, to love me, to serve me and spend eternity with me. You are always on my mind and in my heart. I hold you up and keep you from falling, I hold you in the palm of my hand. Come rest between my shoulders and be refreshed. Let me comfort you and hold you. Let me breathe Peace; and Words of love and healing deep into your soul – for you are my treasured possession.
I know how many tears you’ve cried. I’ve counted each one and stored them all up. I’ve known your name from before time began. Your earthly name and your secret name. The secret name, as shared only by lovers, is carved on white stone for The Day. Your name is ever before me- written on the palm of my hand. A nursing mother with babe at the breast would sooner forget her sweet child than I could forget you!
I hear you.
I know you.
I love you.
I listen.
I answer.
I see and…
I know.
I’m preparing a place here for you. I’m coming to take you to the marriage feast.
Wait for me! Be ready! When you give me your life you are truly free. What can man do to harm you? Free to love. Free to give. Free to dance. I rejoice for you did you know? Have you sung to a child in your arms? That’s a picture of us! I’ll sing for you, you sing to me and I’ll give you new songs in your heart. How I love to hear your praises! They rise to me as sweet flavors!
It’s impossible for me to be unfaithful. Mysterious maybe (don’t you love a good surprise?), but never unfaithful. I’ll keep my promises always. Trust me, prove me, and know me. I offer you garments of beauty, purity, righteousness, dignity, honour and strength.
I’ll always welcome you. Invite you and guide you, be with you, help you, defend you and comfort you. I will never leave you or forsake you. I’ll never play favourites. Don’t expect me to be happy with portions of you, I’m a jealous lover– I want you heart, body and soul.
Walk with me – I’ll make the rough places smooth. There’ll be some strange paths, but I’ll provide you a lamp at your feet and a light down the path.
I am Light.
I am Love.
I am Life.
Nothing happens without me knowing about it. I know the numbers of grains on each beach. The number of hairs on your head. Not a single creature falls without my full knowledge. You are worth so much more than any creature – so don’t worry! Talk to me!
I wash you whiter than snow. I’ll teach your children and give them peace. Father and husband – the third in Our Marriage! I’ll walk and talk and reason and warn and wait. When you quit your hurry and scurry and worry – I’ll be here. I’ll help you keep going – even to run when you’re weary! I’ll lift you up and we’ll soar together.
I have plans for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.
I’ll tell you the truth – the good and the bad, and be there to wipe your tears in the End.
I gave up my dear Son for the joy of welcoming YOU to my Home.
I Am…
The Power.
The Pleasure.
The Pierced.
Stay under my wings.
Tenderly, gently and fiercely yours,
Your Daddy