I don’t think Jesus is complementarian or egalitarian.
I don’t think Jesus looks like a white Dutchman.
I don’t think Jesus speaks Aramaic or English or Swahili.
I don’t think Jesus is Baptist or Pentecostal or 1st Church of the Thingumybob Reformed Thrice Over.
The One Who Understands
There is something about being with someone who understands. Someone who’s been through that same thing you have. There is a look that passes between two people who’ve walked the same thing – horrific to hilarious or anything in between – that no words can bring depth to. It is already known through and through.
Continue reading “The One Who Understands”Firmly planted
The roots of a tree by a stream have a constant life source. The roots of a well-established tree will go deeper in search of the source in times of drought. And deep roots will hold a tree when storms rage.
Continue reading “Firmly planted”Proclaiming His Death – to whom?
I got curious about the word ‘proclaim’ when it leapt out at me during a Communion service some years ago so I did some thinking and searching… This section was where my attention was grabbed:
Continue reading “Proclaiming His Death – to whom?”Hindsight is a different beast – Bible overview
Understanding when the books of the Bible were ‘penned’ helps us understand the events, stories and intended meaning so much more… including helping us discern what is past, present and still yet future.
I gave a brief little Bible overview in a small group setting this week, and a friend asked if I’d write it down for her – which was of course my great delight. So here it is…
Continue reading “Hindsight is a different beast – Bible overview”Deep learning
Do you have a current verse or passage that God is burrowing into your heart? This has been a major one for me for the last 3 months or so…
Continue reading “Deep learning”A story, some snobs and a Samaritan
A young friend, new to the Bible asked for help understanding the context of the story of The Good Samaritan… here’s what I wrote for her interspersed with the story itself
Continue reading “A story, some snobs and a Samaritan”Comfort in the cracks
Violets are to me, a happy childhood flower. The proper purple ones, not the variegated ones. I know their scent isn’t everyone’s ‘thing’, but to me the scent represents happy, uncomplicated, sunshine filled days with my mum.
Continue reading “Comfort in the cracks”Knowing who to listen to
Sometimes I wish Jesus had said more. Those red lettered words in the Bible really don’t seem to take up that much space. But I suppose that God figured it was enough, and in combination with it being a Living word and the help of the Holy Spirit it really is enough. (But I still often wish there was more )
In common with Jonah
Imagine God told YOU to hop on a plane and head for Mosul (where ISIS is wreaking havoc) tomorrow morning. Imagine He said to you to go, be a single solitary lone voice there. To stand in the streets and preach repentance or doom at the hand of God. Would you go? Would you run the opposite direction? I do often feel poor old Jonah has been harshly judged by us folks who’d have been equally terrified.
Continue reading “In common with Jonah”