I don’t think Jesus is complementarian or egalitarian.
I don’t think Jesus looks like a white Dutchman.
I don’t think Jesus speaks Aramaic or English or Swahili.
I don’t think Jesus is Baptist or Pentecostal or 1st Church of the Thingumybob Reformed Thrice Over.
Seeking Jesus – but not actually
And after their bellies were full from the best free feed they ever had, Jesus disappeared from where they were and they couldn’t figure it out so they followed the boat the disciples had gone in coz they figured He might do more amazing stuff for them.
When they asked how He got to the spot they found Him, He flipped the question aside since they weren’t really wanting to know or understand the why of the miracle they’d just seen – He knew they just just wanted more immediate wants/needs looked after rather than being particularly bothered about His being the Messiah and all that.
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