Posting Pictures

While the world turns and turmoils, I post pictures of beaches.

While suspicion rises and opinions gain momentum, I paint another picture.

While fear whispers unheard but felt, I’ll play another song.

When I see my children online, I want to blow the whistle, ring the bell, honk the horn, call them in. “Time to go home now!”, give them dinner and baths and tuck them in with kisses and goodnights and “see you in the mornings” – but instead my heart holds and loves and lifts… and His Spirit hears my love as prayer.

The Cross is bigger than the mess.


Once upon a time there was a girl who repented, and determined to never again fail her Lord in the manner of presuming upon His later forgiveness.

Problem was that her white knuckled determination to do the right thing became its own heavy yoke.

She forgot her Jesus wanted to share His strength to her so she soldiered and she soldiered until one day –

– she couldn’t.

And then she saw Him waiting to share. And she let Him.

Now her repentance says something like:

“Oh Lord I’m sorry.
I can’t undo [ – fill in the blank -] and I can’t not need your blood regardless of how I try to put things right, or work at living right.
Whatever you say now… I want to do.
I want to hear you.
My resolutions and determined ways of pleasing you might even have made me miss what you were saying.
My resolutions and determined ways of making sure I didn’t disappoint you were a distraction – and a weight you didn’t mean for me.
Oh Lord, thankyou for waiting.
I want to hear and be where your Life Words are”.


I started getting to know *Maya about 18 months ago and here is a *post from her heart just this week. Gosh I love this girl. For who she is and the light of *Whose* she is that shines.

There’s a joy that encompasses and moves with and flows out of her. And it’s not that she doesn’t still know hard times, but she knows The King who is bigger, Who came and got her, and Who walks with her daily.

There was something about this joy of hers that sang to me when I first saw her. Inaudible but un-ignorable.

Continue reading “*Maya”

From Offence to Fragrance

I’m not much of an outdoorsy person nor much of a pet/animals person so spending time on an uncles farm as a kid had very clear boundaries of interest/tolerance to me. I was always happy to go see cousins but one of the main functions of the farm was the pig shed which to me had an aromatic ‘do not cross this line’ force-field around it which I neverevereverever could pass though. Even eating bacon (which I love) beyond a certain thickness has associative memories of steak-thick bacon at breakfast on the farm = pig shed smell/bacon origins, that I cannot cross to this day.

Continue reading “From Offence to Fragrance”

Mirror Mirror

And the religious leaders came nigh-on bleating with the pre sense of triumph at nabbing Jesus with an impossible situation. But when He turned their malice and opened their eyes a crack – they saw their own hearts and went away quietly.

It’s not that they were wrong about the adultery- it’s that their hyper focus, motives and hard hearts meant they missed the power-pole sized logs in their own eyes until Jesus himself became their mirror.

Continue reading “Mirror Mirror”


If Jesus says “come into the deep and I will be with you” but we prefer to say “no thanks Jesus, I like wave-chasey” – He won’t argue. We have to want Him enough to stop playing games.

This has been a VSP