Why this blog?

Every January of recent years has seen me having a mini-meltdown – one that most will not see – but under the surface it lurks, popping up for an annual airing.  The thing about these recurrences is that I’ve learned to recognise and anticipate them, see them clearer, make better decisions and ride them out with more understanding.

It goes something like this:

“Gasp!  A new year!  The family is getting older.  They need me less.  Well – the time the need me for is less.  What am I to do?  Should I get a job?  Should I study? I don’t want to!  I am happy doing my stuff!  But should I?  Do I actually want to but am just scared?” etc etc etc

Some years I have waaaaay over-anticipated the increase of free time and waaaaay over-extended with commitments I could not sustain.  But I do have a bit more time each year and I do want to be purposeful in how I use it.  I may not be able to add something that takes many extra hours a week, but I can utilise a few. 

This years mini-melt looked more like “OK I don’t really have that much more time but how can I use well, the bit that I do?”

Enter Ecclesiastes 9:10a. 

Now Ecclesiastes is not exactly known as a cheerful read but it is from this book that direction suddenly firmed up. 

  “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might”

(Warning, if you read the sections immediately before and after that bit you might want to go rock in a corner so I was doubly encouraged when clarity leapt off this page and into my heart)

There are things I can do.  I can do them a bit more – and a bit better.  I should do them!  So simple!

Welcome to “By Heart and Hand” – my internet home – with many rooms to sit and stop, think, read, rest and pray.  I hope you’ll stay a while and visit often.



2 Corinthians 1:3-4