One facet of Communion is the forgivEE remembering with gratitude what it cost The ForgivER to make communion possible. The Communion table – the bread and the wine – give structure and form – a way of keeping that gratitude and remembrance before our faces.
The Communion table is a reminder of what it cost for communion in our ”breath-by-breath till eternity-beyond-our-last-breath” existence – to be possible.
I love this dictionary meaning for ‘communion’ as it illustrates what I mean by breath-by-breath communion (ie not only at a structured ceremony but our everyday, living, breathing, walking around days): “the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially on a mental or spiritual level”
In relationship with God we are the forgivEN. The redeemed. The restored.
In relationships with each other, where the dictionary experience of communion is also ours we also get to be Jesus. Don’t panic I’m not being weird or claiming divinity. I’m just saying that to be Christ-like… to be a Christian… a Christ follower… one who follows His example and can be empowered by His very life in us… we also sometimes, many times… absorb a cost. And communion with the person who recognises this cost is sweet and deep when fully worked.
It’s one thing to sing about being like Him. Another to become that.
I don’t know that there is anything that man can do to man, that man hasn’t done to Jesus yet He is the model. Or in more personal terms- that I haven’t done to Him – yet He forgives and enables communion between Himself and me.
I don’t know that there is anything that man can do to man, that man hasn’t done to Jesus – yet He is the model.
someone ever ignored me?
I have ignored Him.
He forgives me.
Can I?
someone ever hurt me by choosing something else over me?
I have chosen other things over Him.
He forgives me.
Can I?
someone been disrespecting in their speech or attitudes toward me? Gossip?
I have brought dishonour to Him.
He forgives me.
Can I?
someone not given due care for my work? For things sacred or precious or
created or gifted by me?
I have done such to Him.
He forgives me.
Can I?
someone scorned God’s words in me? I scorned His words in my parents teaching
through disobedience to their love filled instruction and therefore His love
fuelled instruction intended for my good.
He forgives me.
Can I?
someone hated me? Been murderous of me in their thoughts and overspilling
I put Jesus on the cross.
He forgives me.
Can I?
someone been unfaithful toward me?
I’ve been unfaithful to Him.
He forgives me.
Can I?
someone stolen from me? Something of worth and belonging? Physical or non
I have taken things not intended for me.
He forgives me.
Can I?
someone lied to or about me?
I have lied to Him. I lie to Him every time I deceive myself by extension.
He forgives me.
Can I?
someone desired something belonging to me and set about taking it? Has someone
been resentful of me over things or assumptions?
I have been angry with God for things not given to me.
He forgives me.
Can I?
Repentance. Forgiveness. Restoration.
Communion. Fellowship. Acceptance. Love.
With God. And each other.