This is not just a sweet little piece of prose.
Every line is a Rock-Solid-Knowing.
Do you Know them too – or are they just ‘nice’?
Do you know them too – or do you think you can’t be included?
Each one has some ‘dying’ that comes before it
A dying to the things we or the world constructed for us.
A dying to the things which were never of The Alpha.
Do you know them too?
You can.
But there’s some stuff to let die.
When I am not OK
– He says “come to me and rest”
When I am not OK
– He says “let me take the weight of your burdens”
When I am not OK
– He says “let me be what you need. I am anyway but the unlocking is the letting”
When I am not OK
– He says “I formed you and made you and have numbered your days.”
When I am not OK
– He says “let me be your Author”
When I am not OK
– He says “is the inside voice you’re heeding mine?”
When I am not OK
– He says “I will lift you up”
When I am curled up tight
– His wings are around and over me
– His arms are open wide
– His song is of love and lullaby
And I remember…
I Am OK.
Originally written 10 September 2020