I started getting to know *Maya about 18 months ago and here is a *post from her heart just this week. Gosh I love this girl. For who she is and the light of *Whose* she is that shines.
There’s a joy that encompasses and moves with and flows out of her. And it’s not that she doesn’t still know hard times, but she knows The King who is bigger, Who came and got her, and Who walks with her daily.
There was something about this joy of hers that sang to me when I first saw her. Inaudible but un-ignorable.
If I look at her life and settle for the gratitude that I haven’t had to conquor her same battles, I might miss the call to come into that same joy, provided by the same Big God who offers His Whole Self to all.
Let her joy call you into His. Her healing into His. Her reconstruction into His. Her redemption into His.
He’s singing!
Maya – means “water” in Aramaic and is short for Maayan. The meaning of the word ‘mayan’ in the King James Bible is “spring, well, fountain, source“.
This is not just water – but living water. Water that is fed from somewhere deep, that bubbles and flows. Just like joy. Just like the Holy Spirit. Maya your name is no accident! <3
Biblical reference for baby name Mayan:
Genesis 7:11; 8:2; Leviticus 11:36; Joshua 15:9; 18:15; 1 Kings 18:5; 2 Kings 3:19, 25; 2 Chronicles 32:4; Psalms 74:15; 84:6; 87:7; 104:10; 114:8; Proverbs 5:16; 8:24; 25:26; Song of Solomon 4:12, 15; Isaiah 12:3; 41:18; Hosea 13:15; Joel 3:18

* Maya’s post and name used with permission 🙂