No Jesus

No Jesus I know ever said “Try harder. Take notes and remember all the methods and bullet points so you can apply them.”

At the bluntest endingest end of that thinking lies training in works-righteousness/self-righteousness which is as filty, stinking, left-damp-in-a-bucket-in-the-corner-for- a-week-full-of-clots-and-now-festering-menstrual-rags in His sight.

The Jesus I know said things like “Remain in Me”, “Abide in Me”, ” “Rest in Me”, “Let my peace dwell in you richly”, “Make room for my Word”, “Turn to Me, reflect on Me, Reflect ME and be transformed in My Image”.

No try harder. No bullet points.

Shining pure white garments purchased and gifted because of His sinless blood.
