Not the three bears

I so love the conversations that come out of kids stories. Tonight we read a new one – “The Very Cranky Bear” – bought entirely to see if it represented the Bear in our own house 🙂

It’s 4 friends, 3 of whom have something they consider very special about themselves. They want to cheer the Bear up so he will let them in his cave so while he is sleeping, the moose gives him antlers, the zebra gives him stripes and the lion gives him a mane in order to make him happy.

He is not.

Our hero, the plain little sheep, shears half her wool and makes a pillow so the Bear can sleep.

After cracking up at the gorgous pictures I say to Miss Tarri –“This book has a lesson in it! What can you see?”

I was angling for the way in which the sheep gave of herself – a gift the Bear actually would appreciate, rather than the gifts the others assumed he’d be envious of but… she saw a different one.

She said this: “Well sometimes people think they are very ordinary but we all need to remember that God isn’t finished with any of us yet”.

Not bad hey?!