Death – a practical post

Five months ago, the unthinkable happened and just one aspect which isn’t even the most important, began to play out.

My email box and later – my time got filled with words like:

– death, passing
– coroner
– enquiry
– condolence
– estate cleaner
– senior next of kin
– stroke, funeral, cremation
– death certificate
– will, estate, probate, letters of administration
– shares, brokers, banks
– accountant, accountant, accountant
– lawyers, financial advisors, settlement agents
– did I say accountant?
– witnessed signatures, Justice of the Peace
– binding death agreement
– plaque, place, memorial
– power of attorney
– forms and phone numbers around and around the mulberry bush.

Continue reading “Death – a practical post”

Broken Bits

(Written but not shared 7 years ago)

One day when I was making bread in my Kenwood, it jiggled its way to the edge of the bench and over into the abyss below. My back was turned as it happened and I heard the crash turning in an instant, amazed and stunned to see it still kneading away on its side on the tiles on the floor.

Continue reading “Broken Bits”


When I was 11-12 our primary school built an outdoor amphitheater. Our wonderful teacher died of cancer that year and the amphitheater was named for him when completed. I believe he read the Douglas Bader story (double leg amputee, pilot, prisoner of war and escapee) aloud to every year 7 class he had and I remember him leaning on the blackboard ledge, worn cover curled behind the page currently being read and reading it for what we didn’t know would be his last time – with as much pleasure as he must have had the first time he read it. Full of wit and adventure and somehow; laughter.

Continue reading “SELAH”

Hop – step – jump

Three things:

First, I’m about to do a bit of a catch up here but there’s a heap of functionality missing from what I’m able to do (other than post blogs) so a little advance apology as I don’t know how it might message through to you. Feel free to unsubscribe (and come back about Tuesday!) if you get an annoying rush of messages! I’m sorry!

Second, my goal is a quick catch up and there have been some major events in my life that I’m hop-step-jumping over for now. Indicators will be in some of the new posts but the time to write more fully about these events isn’t now.

Third – I’ll be backdating some articles in time with when I wrote them so don’t worry that something has gone wrong! Unless it does of course… that’s altogether different 😉

Mirror Mirror in the Pond

A Tale about Narcissism.

– from before the glass kind.
– a Greek legend in summary.


Narcissus is the son of a river god and a nymph, who grows to be so beautiful that he finds he is loved and admired wherever he goes yet finds no one to whom he can return the same affection.

Echo is a nymph who is cursed with only being able to repeat the last sounds and words of others. 

One day Echo sees Narcissus out in the woods and falls madly in love with him.  She makes herself known to him but can only repeat what he says and just like her predecessors – is rejected.

Narcissus catches sight of his own reflection in a still pond and is immediately captivated. 
Who is this beauty? 
He desires to know! 

Continue reading “Mirror Mirror in the Pond”