Home-educating friends – it really bothers me when, in particular new home-school parents feel as though they don’t have the freedoms that they actually do.
Four things I’d like to say…
1. The HBLN doc on moderator meetings is brilliant. Very helpful and very conciliatory and wise. If you’re feeling twitchy about your moderator meeting or need clarification of your responsibilities, you can purchase it HERE.
2. I put together a document about a year ago attempting to distil and clarify the home ed laws and policies which you can download HERE. ((This is 3 pages plus cover as per graphic above)
3. We need to all be informed about what is actually required if us. From there we can be confident questioning what is asked or implied to be ‘required’. If you’re ever unsure we are free to ask questions such as this… “Oh! Has the policy changed? Can you show me please?”
Follow this link to download the School Education Act
Follow this link to download the Homeschool Education Policy
(The sections relevant are not too long so don’t be put off!)
4. I’m copying and pasting a section from the WA Department of Education website which is pretty clear in regards to information we’re to provide. Please remember the dot points are examples not requirements!!! The sentences worth their weight in gold are those in the section titled “The Meeting”, immediately before and after the dot points.
You can see the section in it’s context at the HERE.