Could you imagine life without music?
No one has to teach a baby to feel music.
Where does it come from?
Who first sang?
Who first played an instrument?
Well if not God Himself… then the angels… and well before we were on the scene.
Music is a gift from eternity past, and its appreciation is felt and recognised – and can be reciprocated from deep, deep, deep within our hearts.
Angels sing to Him.
God sings for us – songs of deliverance and of rejoicing.
And He invites us to join the song.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Ecc 3:11

Rev 4:8
Ps 32:7
Job 38:7
Zeph 3:17
Ps 65:8