Jesus was wrapped and laid down two times – once each at the book-ends of His physical time earthside.
They wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger.
They wrapped Him in linen cloths and laid him in a tomb.
Others came to find Him those same two times.
The shepherds found Him wrapped and laying in the manger.
The women did not find Him wrapped and lying in the tomb.
The shepherds worshipped the new born King.
The women worshipped the newly risen Saviour.
Leaving the heavenly Holy of Holies He came through the curtain dividing heaven and earth, taking up the body prepared for Him.
He came to intercede on our behalf.
He came to be the Light of the World.
He came to be the Bread of Life.
He is the water.
He is the final sacrifice.
He is the way… the door…
Through which we may enter.
And come to the cross.
And be washed and made clean.
And enter into fellowship with Him.
Where we can have the Light of Life, the Bread of Life and access through the
curtain, His body, now torn, to the very throne of God.
He came down so we could enter in.
He was born to die so we could put off the old, and on the new.
God of Heaven – God with us.
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Two Wrappings – an unusual Christmas meditation
Jesus was wrapped and laid down two times – once each at the book-ends of His physical time earthside.
They wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him
in a manger. Luke 2:6
They wrapped Him in linen cloths and laid him in a tomb. Luke 23:50
Others came to find Him those same two times.
The shepherds found Him wrapped and laying in the
manger. Luke 2:11
The women did not find Him wrapped and lying in the tomb. John 20:3
The shepherds were amazed to see the new born
King. Luke 2:16-20
The women were amazed to see the newly risen Saviour. John 20:13-17
His journey outward:
Leaving the heavenly (Holy of Holies/Throne Room/Mercy Seat)
He came through the curtain dividing heaven and earth (Isa 40:22/Psalm 104:2) taking up the body prepared for Him (Heb 10:5,19).
He came to intercede on our behalf. (Alter of Incense. Heb 7:23-25)
He came to be the Light of the World. (Menorah/lampstand. John 8:12)
He came to be the Bread of Life. (Table of Shewbread/Bread of Presence. John 6:32-70)
He is the water. (Laver. John 1:1-2 & Eph 5:26 & John 4:14)
He is the final sacrifice. (Sacrificial Alter. Heb 7:27)
He is the way… the door… (The Gate. John 14:6)

Our journey inward:
Through which we may enter. (The Gate. John 14:6)
And come to the cross. (Sacrificial
Alter. Heb 7:27)
And be washed and made clean. (Laver/. John 1:1-2 & Eph 5:26 & John 4:14)
And enter into fellowship with Him. (Table
of Shewbread/Bread of Presence. John
Where we can have the Light of Life, (Menorah/lampstand. John 8:12)
the Bread of Life (Table of
Shewbread/Bread of Presence. John 6:32-70), where our worship is holy (Alter
of Incense. Phil 4:18) and access through
the Curtain, His Body, now torn, to
the very Throne of God. (Holy of
Holies/Mercy Sea. Heb 10:12-14)
He came down so we could enter in. (John 6:38)
He was born to die so we could put off the old, and on the new. (Heb 8:6)
Artistry. God of Heaven – God
with us. (Matt 1:23) Immanuel.
(Isaiah 7:14)