I’m not much of an outdoorsy person nor much of a pet/animals person so spending time on an uncles farm as a kid had very clear boundaries of interest/tolerance to me. I was always happy to go see cousins but one of the main functions of the farm was the pig shed which to me had an aromatic ‘do not cross this line’ force-field around it which I neverevereverever could pass though. Even eating bacon (which I love) beyond a certain thickness has associative memories of steak-thick bacon at breakfast on the farm = pig shed smell/bacon origins, that I cannot cross to this day.
Continue reading “From Offence to Fragrance”A log called Gossip
The date on my original notes for the topic of this post is March 2003. It was a session presented with my friend and mentor Joan Grosser and in those days we thought and spoke in such similar terms that when I read those notes now, I can rarely tell our words apart.
The topic was gossip.
The audience was about 50 women.
And the effect of it was both electric and long term.
Mirror Mirror
And the religious leaders came nigh-on bleating with the pre sense of triumph at nabbing Jesus with an impossible situation. But when He turned their malice and opened their eyes a crack – they saw their own hearts and went away quietly.
It’s not that they were wrong about the adultery- it’s that their hyper focus, motives and hard hearts meant they missed the power-pole sized logs in their own eyes until Jesus himself became their mirror.
Continue reading “Mirror Mirror”Seeking Jesus – but not actually
And after their bellies were full from the best free feed they ever had, Jesus disappeared from where they were and they couldn’t figure it out so they followed the boat the disciples had gone in coz they figured He might do more amazing stuff for them.
When they asked how He got to the spot they found Him, He flipped the question aside since they weren’t really wanting to know or understand the why of the miracle they’d just seen – He knew they just just wanted more immediate wants/needs looked after rather than being particularly bothered about His being the Messiah and all that.
Continue reading “Seeking Jesus – but not actually”The Gap

This has been a VSVP (Very short visual post)
Since the Covid-19 slow-down, I’ve been setting these projects for our little Thursday Group of kids but thought I’d make them available for others also. I’d love if you wanted to send your kids work to be uploaded here!
These projects are based on the 7 (or 8) Elements of Art. One of our Thursday mums posted a great little clip about them which you can watch here. (Thanks Melanie!)
Continue reading “DISTANCE ART CLASS – PHOTO PROJECTS”A few things I didn’t know
I didn’t know that other mothers would have their 4 year old change out of their dress-ups before they went shopping.
I didn’t know that other mothers would’ve had a fit if they came home to their daughter having cut and sewn the bathroom curtain, or her wedding present pillow slips into wearable items.
Continue reading “A few things I didn’t know”