Multiple choice

Choose the correct answer. Then choose the one most likely for you to do.

And when they heard that The Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they

a) bowed down and worshipped… (Exodus 4:31) … or

b) sat down and spat it big time saying “if you were real you’d never let anything bad happen and I’d be happy all the time therefore you’re not real” – never realising the madness of actually addressing such a figment of imagination. (Extrapolations 1:1)

Important Note:  Extrapolations is not an actual book of the Bible.  🙂

Hungry Jacks prayer time

Had a most amazing conversation today… one that has left me smiling ever since…

Went to Hungry Jacks with the Misses 5 and 14 to kill some time. The only other person sitting by the playground was an older chap who looked something like a 60’s rocker or biker – and a small boy. He was trying to get the little bloke to eat his food while it was warm so I commented about play being the top priority of a 4yo. He unfolded his arms and I noticed the ‘homemade’ tatts on his fingers and I thought to myself “this man has a story”. Our little people got along well, and Miss 14 went inside to get me a coffee. He commented to me that he’d watched something about Nostradamus the night before and a little part of me groaned on the inside… I didn’t want to have an ooh-ahh conversation about Nostradamus. Thinking to myself that a prophet is only a true prophet if they are 100% right 100% of the time, I decided to deflect him by making light of it… asking him if he’d seen the cartoon about the Mayan calendar that runs out of space… he had a laugh and I was pleased to have brought that to a dead end…

After a while he asked if my two girls were my only children and when I answered no, 7, he laughed and said we must have taken the Good Book’s words to “go forth and populate – seriously”. I asked if the boy was his son or grandson – it was his grandson – they were in town from the country, his wife was shopping and he had some time to kill waiting to pick up a granddaughter and head home. He then said they’d had 4 children but that they’d lost their second son when he was only 4 1/2. I asked him how long it had taken for them to be able to breathe again after losing their son. I wondered if he wouldn’t want to talk about it, but thought since he’d opened the subject, that he might. Well, that was the beginning.

He said if it wasn’t for the Creator he wouldn’t even be alive. That his boy had been born at 5.45 on a Friday night, and had died at 5.45 on a Friday night, 4 ½ years later, 27 years ago. That he’d been out ‘doing business that wasn’t good business’ when he crossed paths with an ambulance and he just ‘knew’. He’d then held his boy in his arms and SCREAMED out that if God was real, to SHOW him and he’d read His book every day if He would just SHOW him He was real.

I am always amazed and yet not, that God shows Himself when we scream out for Him in this most primal, guttural, empty of everything – kind of way.

The day after the funeral, he and his wife went to the cemetery. AS they walked in, BOTH of them had been completely filled up with a peace… he said it felt like they’d been given their son back but what it was – was instead a peace about WHERE the boy was. He’d agonised… was there life after death, where WAS his boy, and when they went to the cemetery, Yah (God) let them know he was with Him. Amazing flooding peace.

And then he said, began the cleansing.

This was when I became certain, that he was for real. A true encounter with God (Yah ) doesn’t begin and end with a mystical moment. It’s the beginning of a lifelong walk. A relationship. A continuing revelation of our need for and availability to – His pure waters of cleansing.

All that was in the first 10 minutes.

Over the next hour I told him how, having grown up in a Christian home and kinda being ‘secure’ in having been ‘good’, it took me till somewhere in my late 30’s to really realise in my guts, that I was a sinner. We spoke of how the Tabernacle is a model (not only of the heavenlies) but of how we come to Him. That we come first to the alter (the cross) and then to the laver where we are cleansed time and again through our whole life long.

I asked him how he came to know God as Yah, Yahweh – and Yeshua and we spoke of the Hebraic origins of the faith. He grinned when I knew what he meant by the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) and we flowed in and out of personal story, Scripture and awe.

He’d been a Pastor, but was no longer… he’d kept his promise to Yah, and read His Book every day. Even pointing to it sitting on the dashboard of his car. The proof was in his speech as he knew what was in passages I mentioned and the references for the words that I mentioned. Just so LOVE when a person’s LOVE of the Word just can’t be contained! We spoke too of being viewed as a nutter. A legalist. Of having gone over the limit. Of the hidden treasures and joys in the Torah. The feasts. His Name. His cleansing. His Spirit.

He brought his grandson to his knee and told Him this lady here knew Yeshua (Jesus) too. And then we prayed. Right there in Hungry Jacks. Sibling strangers being Church. He prayed blessing on me and my family, and I already knew that I was. Blessed that is. Still smiling.


At church yesterday we sang the song “Create in me a clean heart”. I love every line of it but the line that had me thinking the most was this one: ‘resore unto me, the joy of thy salvation, and renew a right spirit within me’.

The Exodus Scripture I popped on here a few days ago was still rumbling around in my head. Its such a beautiful response and of course exactly the right one, when we first understand that He has seen and cared about our lives.

And when they heard that The Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshipped…
Exodus 4:31

We also talk about ‘returning to our first love’ – so I saw this example of the Hebrew leaders who, having felt alone and bereft, now with heart and body, bowed and worshipped – as a picture to us of ‘the joy of salvation’ and ‘first love’. That moment when the penny first drops and we ‘get it’.

HOWEVER, this response didn’t last… as the Hebrews went through their cycles of rebellion/sin to judgement/consequence and back to restoration, we also can do the same thing. Sometimes after that first rush of joy, we begin to ‘put on Him’ our own expectations and ideas of Who He is and what He’ll do. It’s a process to discover Who He really is without all the baggage of our own ideas. It takes some time to get to know Him, to work through our disappointments where we’ve held wrong ideas and to see Him as He is… which never ever was something of our own making.

A prayer for mothers


Joys and sorrows beyond imagination.

Now may the God of peace…
equip you with everything good for doing his will,
and may he work in us what is pleasing to him,
through Jesus Christ,
to whom be glory for ever and ever.

So you don’t always know what to do eh?

One particular time a few years back when I was major-league stressed about something, I was driving along a road close to home thinking over and over “I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do” – when I came upon a traffic jam where I could neither see the problem nor where I needed to go.

My cry of “I don’t know what to do” was immediately applied to the road situation where visibility was so bad.

This turned out to be one of those amazing moments when God spoke so clearly through the circumstance at hand to show me something much bigger and which I will never forget. I felt the words “the way will become clear” somewhere deep inside and as I inched forward through a messy convergence of truck and traffic and narrow road and road works, bit by bit I could see what I needed to do next.

So many times in life we are faced with new, difficult, stressy things that if we wait, and watch, and follow the way marked out bit by bit, we’ll get to the other side of the thing and see we did Ok. And more importantly, that we were Helped.

Feelings locate us

One of my mentors (Elaine McGrath) once said “Feelings are good because they locate you but you don’t have to stay where your feelings tell you you are”.

This remark has become so much a part of me now, I have found it invaluable. Years ago I had an idea of turning the concept into a kind of children’s board ‘game’/teaching resource… with a map and coordinates to better feelings and how to get there. Every time I applied myself to thinking how it could be done, it became too complicated so it never did eventuate. I’m glad it hasn’t in a way as I’d do it so differently now to when I first thought about it.

Feelings can be an accurate reflection of truth. Such as grief after a death. The depth of grief being a reflection of the love. Completely the ‘right’ emotion.

Feelings can tell us lies. Such as worthlessness and self loathing. These feelings tell us we are in one place while the truth would show us another. One of the hardest things to do is to lift oneself out of these feelings and return to truth. One of the scariest things I know of is the action people can take based on the feelings that have lied to them. Sometimes revealing the lie is easy (such as recalling you have PMS and are not to be trusted!), but sometimes seemingly impossible.

Sometimes feelings tell us everything is alright, when really they are not but our quest to feel only the good perpetuates the deception.

We all live lives somewhat at the mercy of our feelings… am still in the process of taking a step ‘outside’ myself and learning to think more, react less. Learning.


Thankyou God for allowing me to meet Elaine.
“Feelings are good because they locate you but you don’t have to stay where your feelings tell you you are”.

Changing focus

Years ago when I was finding some stuff really heavy going, I heard something that impacted my prayers, life and expectations so deeply it has stayed with me ever since. Prior to that moment, I spent most of my prayer time asking God to fix things, change things, alter circumstances, make people be a certain way… FIX things… amke it hurt less or be less hard… you know the drill…

With what was happeneing at the time, I was ripe ready for the words that I heard in church one day. It was my brother in law Paul talking as he led the service that day. I’m sure I’ll get some details wrong here but the essence remains true.

He spoke of his Dad who’d fought in The War. On the night before armed combat Pauls Dad prayed “don’t let me be a coward”.


I’d have been begging to live, to get outa there, for everything to go away and not be true. I was amazed at the contrast of my lesser hardships and style of prayer to that situation and those words.

Since then it has been part of me to ask less for my list of what I think God should do, and more to ask Him to fill me with courage come what may. To thank Him for His promise to equip me do do His will and to work in me what is pleasing to Him. I’ve often wished that those moments with God, where He changes something so big in me in the blink of an eye- would happen more often. Maybe they can, should or will… but I’m so glad for these times that crop up like oasis in a desert. Often at the last gasp – there comes the Living Water.

What are your names?

Each of our names shows something about ourselves, our relationships, our gifts or quirks. I am Heather to most but Mum to some, Aunt to more, Hon to one, Mrs to many, Fred to siblings, Frazzle to brother, Bruce to a few from way back when, Heath to the other, Mumsamoo to oldest offspring, Boss to third, Mummy to smallest. Each is true but none is complete.

God is My Refuge and my Strength but that is not all.
He is My Redeemer but that is not all.
He is my light but that is not all.
He is my Song but that is not all.
He is my Comforter but that is not all.
He is a Consuming Fire but that is not all.
He is my Everpresent Help in Times of Trouble but that is not all.
He is Truth but that is not all.
He is the Rock but that is not all.
He is Creator but that is not all
He is The Husband of the widow but that is not all.
He is Father to the Fatherless but that is not all.
He is the Father of Lights but that is not all.
He is the Hope of Israel but that is not all.
He is Jehovah Jireh-Nissi-Ropheka-Tsidkeenu-and they are not all.
He is my Saviour, Healer, Judge, Friend, Maker, Lord most High and Holy One.

And I’m still getting to know Him.