An invitation to the Very Worried

Your shoulders were never intended to carry the whole world.

You are called to Life in My Name and from that place to let love and faithfulness never leave you.

Your shoulders aren’t big enough for this.

Come rest.

It’s not your burden to carry the whole world.

Discover my pages

Hey friends

Just a note to let you know there’s a new page called Mini Meditations, just added today over here. I know this is mostly followed as a blog but there is also a great deal more within the pages of BY HEART AND HAND . NET so I do hope you’ll spend some time looking around – and please let me know if there’s something you’d like me to include or write about.

Happy new year… I know I know – that’s so last week. 🙂

Bless ya!



I could honestly write my own book on Boundaries – but I’d be in trouble for plagiarism since most of it would come from these sources. So I guess won’t be writing that book. 🙂

I will however post some names and links of the authors/speakers I’ve gone to to learn. Basically if you go to Youtube and pop in any of the following names you will find material I consider to be reliable, Biblical and very very helpful.

Continue reading “Boundaries!”

System: not solo

I’ve heard many a message on the words “train up a child in the way he should go” and “teach these words of mine to your children“, and Commandment number 5 which is: “honour your father and mother“. There has been much pontificating on the presumed promises and even on how adults are to honour their parents so that things will go well for them…for us… and I suspect in generations gone by, Commandment number 5 was fairly drilled into children… dare I recal – pretty sure I did a bit of that too.



Continue reading “System: not solo”

The curious relationship between being pickled and baptised

I was 23, married and waiting for babies to start arriving when I got serious with God and soon after, baptised. I was dunked in a line-up by a Pentecostal pastor in a hired main-line church in the city, on a hot airconditionless afternoon since the warehouse style Pentecostal building had no baptistry.

Family and friends of the 28 dunkees came along to watch. Some with joy, some with curiosity, some with bamboozlement and some with clouds of annoyance/compulsion/duty to said loved ones simmering over their heads.

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Rhythms and ripples

Thirty years (almost) of mothering has produced a set of rhythms… they took a long time to emerge, a bit longer to be noticed and a bit longer still to be anticipated and ‘readied’ for.

The early years of having children is a massive shift on its own – but in the next few years where they head into school life, patterns emerge, are acclimatised to, other new elements are incorporated and so it goes on. If there were no rhythms, we couldn’t add keep adapting.

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This is my first ever attempt at painting with oils… palette knives… and of using the easel my Dad made for me 18 months ago. It came about when a few different things came together. The desire to paint, the specific idea – and a challenge I received to stop taking in extra information for a week. Lo and behold some deeper thoughts of my own made their way through – and some time to be creative in a range of ways.

Continue reading “Pivot”