Do you have a current verse or passage that God is burrowing into your heart? This has been a major one for me for the last 3 months or so…
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7
- “BUT” – see the verse before to connect what this ‘but’ is referencing
- “IF” – it’s a choice
- “WE” – you, me, us
- “WALK” – live, breathe and have our being
- “IN” – as opposed to ‘out’
- “THE” – singular – that is His and not of another (fake)
- “LIGHT” – that which illuminates and dispensed the dark
- “AS” – as well as; beside; with
- “HE” – Jesus
- “IS” – without doubt
- “IN” – as opposed to ‘out’
- “THE” – singular – that is His and not of another (fake)
- “LIGHT” – that which illuminates and dispensed the dark
- “WE” – you, me, us and Jesus
- “HAVE” – for reals; the presentation and ownership or right to
- “FELLOWSHIP” – communion, communication, in a level place
- “WITH” – together
- “ONE ANOTHER” – each other. Husbands, wives, friends and even those who don’t like each other but do love Jesus
- “AND” – as well as; and can you believe it – a bonus on top of all the above!!!
- “THE” – singular – that is His and not of another (fake)
- “BLOOD” – that red sticky stuff that without which can be no life and which the substance of what what God chose to be the connector from heaven to earth and back to heaven again
- ”OF” – that which came from:
- ”JESUS” – Son of God; Prince of Peace; Saviour; Creator; Redeemer; King – all that stuff
- ”HIS” – the Father – God.
- ”SON” – the only begotten
- ”PURIFIES” – cleans and scrubs from the inside out
- “US” – you, me, we
- “FROM” – separating, distancing, as in a thing of the past
- “ALL” – every single scrap and piece and lingering stench
- “SIN” – that which misses the mark, that we so often love but hide or need to justify, which was the very reason and cost for His blood poured out for us. Even the moon, which has none of its own, radiates light in the brilliance of the sun.