Long range fright

When I was a teenager working in my main place of employment there was a dude who worked in a different department who utterly scared the whoops out of me within my first week or two. I saw him frequently around the place and others in my department always walked with me through a certain section where he was known to often be. And if I was alone I always walked the loooong way round.

I saw him again a couple of years ago… and quite regularly now… he’s a security guard at a shopping centre I go to quite often. The first time I saw him at the shops, I felt the blood drain from my face and my eyes pop wide as the old fright took hold. At the same time, I struggled for several seconds to remember who he was and figure out why I was reacting this way. I do not remember what he said way back whenever… I know it was leering and lecherous… I know when I told those I worked with they saw concern and not overreaction, yet I never acted on it any further than telling my friends.

When I see him now I no longer bolt with fright… I regard this almost old man with curiosity (from a distance) wondering what it was all about. He’s never glanced at me with any hint of recall… but every time I see him I remember the frightened 15 yo I was.

Just thinking through my day, as yes, I saw him today… what long reaching effects mere words can have.