
Today was such a conglomeration of sights and thoughts… one tangent I found myself on took place after I dropped my Dad and Mum at the hospital (Dad is having surgery) was on healing.

I went off thinking how awful it would be if our bodies NEVER healed. If we got sick and stayed sick and if we got cut or bruised and never repaired. We’d all truly look like zombies. A speckled zombie in my case since I had measles AND chicken pox as a kid.

Not in fact a morbid line of thought as I was thinking on the Psalm 103 where it is talking about the Lord “who heals all your diseases”. While it’s not quite the intent of the verse, it led me to be thoughtful and grateful for the fact that in so many cases our bodies are made to heal.

We recover from wounds, both cuts and bones knit back together and headaches go away. NO not in every case, and yes we age and the healing gets slower till we all don’t heal of SOMEthing… but at every moment of every day, every one of us are healing and repairing from a variety of things, all without our own effort or decision.

Amazing. Multiple miracles happening inside every person.