Getting lost and found

Sometimes when we lose our way in life, it’s like we’ve been whacked with a 4′ x 2′ in one of those old cartoons where the poor critter staggers about for a bit seeing stars and then comes to their senses quite quickly. Other times – the way has been lost incrementally, degree by degree over time without particular notice, but then one day something jolts us awake – and we find we are nowhere that we would have chosen to be – had we seen the end from the beginning.

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Soul cleanse

I would never begin a project if I knew it was going to take me five years to complete.  For goodness sake, I’ve never even finished knitting a scarf!

Most would be familiar with what the words ‘colon cleanse’ represent, right?  Well, something similar in a non-physical manner of speaking, is a ‘soul cleanse’, which happened to me when our teeny grandson came and went within the space of 22 days. 

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See yourself.
See yourself standing in your spot on the planet.
See yourself in your spot on the planet
as a singular dot existing in a sphere of time.
See your dot on the planet in the sphere of time within another sphere
called “the lower heavens”.
See your dot on the planet in its place in time in the lower heavens
in the never-ending multi-dimension called eternity.

Continue reading “See”