Unless a seed

Mustard is not an expensive condiment so its harvest yield must be quite plentiful.

When I turned 12, a school friend gave me a little necklace – a glass heart with a single mustard seed in it . I loved it and wore it so much the glass got so scratched you could barely make out the seed inside anymore. (See Goft shop/store) If I’d never had that necklace, I don’t suppose I’d have wondered on the verses about mustard seeds as much as I have – but I have always really just honed in on the size of the seed.

Continue reading “Unless a seed”

Sevens in the Bible

I knew the number 7 came up a lot in the Bible, but not HOW much… or that it’s use often was part of a pattern (but not always) . Of the 513 in the Bible, lots are referring to repeat events – for instance the 2 seven day festivals which span over a 1000 years in the Bible get quite a few mentions. smile emoticon

Why does it matter? Because He is still working the end of the story.

My chart wont be without errors, but I distilled it down to approx. 110 different and significant uses of 7. And out of THAT, several distinct things happen.

For instance:
# Every single period of time that has something to do with purification is measured by lots of 7 days.
# Every single time there is a ‘sprinkling’ (also for purification) – it is done 7 times
# Over and over and over, significant things are completed/finished in 7 days.

The “7’s” (and multiples) in the Bible most often thought of would be…
# Creation – the first week – the last day being the Sabbath.
# Forgiving 70 x 7

A favourite of mine which is often missed/glossed over…
# There were six lots of 7 generations between Abraham and Jesus.

A few more perhaps not so easily thought of…
# 70 years captivity in Babylon
# The menorah in the tabernacle/temple having 7 lamps
# 7 day feast of unleavened bread
# 7 day feast of Trumpets
# 7 Feasts of Israel
# Marching around Jericho for 7 days with 7 priests and 7 trumpets, and on the last day, 7 times

And the 7’s in Revelation…
• Spirits before Gods throne
• Lampstands – churches
• Stars – angels
• Seals
• Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes (which are the 7 spirits of God)
• 7 angels with 7 trumpets
• 7 thunders
• 7000 killed in an earthquake
• Dragon with 7 heads (hills – kings)) and 7 crowns
• 7 last plagues
• 7 bowls of wrath

And the rest:
• He blessed the 7th day
• Vengeance 7 times over to Cains killer if killed
• Seven pairs of animals on the ark
• God sent the rain 7 days after telling Noah to enter it
• Seventh month the ark rested on Mt Ararat
• Sent the dream of 7 cows and heads of grain to pharaoh
• Resulting in 7 years abundance and 7 years famine
• Jacob’s family of SEVENty
• Seven days between Nile turning to blood and frog plague
• Seven day feast of unleavened Bread
• Sacred assembly on 1st and 7th days
• No manna – so as no work on each 7th day in wilderness
• God created Sabbath to be 7th day – day of REST – Jews, animals, slaves and foreigners to all rest
• Servants set free in 7th year
• Land to be rested each 7th year
• SEVENty elders to accompany Moses to worship
• The Lord called Moses into the cloud of His glory on the mountain to receive the Law on the 7th day of the cloud
• Seven lamps on the lampstand
• Priestly garments to be worn seven days after succeeding Aaron – and to be anointed in them
• Seven days taken to anoint Aaron and his sons – same seven days to consecrate the altar
• If an anointed priest sins – the guilt offering sprinkled seven times
• If the whole Israelite community sins unintentionally – the blood of the bull is sprinkled seven times
• Anointing oil sprinkled seven times on altar
• Woman unclean for 7 days after a sons birth – double after a girls
• Separated from community for multiples of 7 days with a rash
• Pronounced clean on 7th day or multiples thereof
• Same procedure for articles and homes
• Ritual cleansing for diseased person (on multiples of the 7th day) includes sprinkling 7 times
• Anointing oil sprinkled 7 times for cleansing
• Same as above for men with unusual bodily discharge
• Impurity of period lasts 7 days
• If a man lies with her during that, he is unclean 7 days as well
• Seventh month holds 3 final feast days
• Seven weeks after Firstfuits to Weeks
• Tabernacles lasts for seven days in the seventh month
• To live in temporary shelters for the seven days o Tabernacles
• Seen lots of seven years to the 50th – the jubilee
• No work in the 7th year of the land – God will provide enough as in the 7th day in the wilderness with the manna
• Punishment for refusal to listen and continuing sin – seven times over
• Bowl of offering weighed SEVENTY shekels each day of the Tabernacles consecration
• Uncleanness lasts 7 days
• 7 animals to be sacrificed
• 7 bigger nations to drive out
• Debts cancelled
• Celebrate WHERE the Lord chooses
• Read the law aloud every seven years in the year of cancelling debts
• Jericho (on 7 days of Unleavened Bread) – 7 priests, 7 trumpets, march once for 6 days then on the 7th, 7 times
• Punishment at hands of Midian for 7 years
• Ruth paralleled to being better than 7 sons
• Ark captive by Philistines 7 months
• God stuck 70 from Beth Shemesh for breaking His command and looking into the ark
• Davids infant son dies on the 7th day
• Seventy THOUSAND killed because of David’s pride
• Third level of Temple 7 cubits wide
• 7 years to build the temple
• 7 pillars in temple
• Elijah send Ahab to look at the sea 7 times
• God reserves 7000 who don’t bow to Baal
• Ahab’s battle completed on 7th day?
• The boy Elisha brought healing to sneezed 7 times!!!
• Elijah sends Naaman to wash in Jordan 7 times
• Another famine 7 years decreed by God – Shunammite provided for
• Joash hidden in temple till rules at age 7
• Levites on a 7 day roster at temple
• 7000 talents silver in temple
• David rules in Hebron 3 years and 33 in Jerusalem. (Total 40 – same number as days of purification to bear a son. JESUS – SON OF DAVID)
• 700 cattle and 7000 sheep sacrificed as they entered into covenant with God
• 70 years captivity for all the years the land had not been given its rest. (490 years without its rest?)
• Ezra returns to Jerusalem in 7th year of Artaxerxes reign
• Job – 7 sons (3 daughters), 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, mourning period 7 days, 19 From six calamities he will rescue you;in seven no harm will touch you. Jobs friends told by God to sacrifice 7 each bulls and rams. Job ha 7 more sons (3 more daughters)
• God’s word flawless and compared to gold refined 7 times
• “Our days may come to SEVENty years” David
• Wisdom has seven pillars
• God will break the Euphrates River into seven streams
• Tyre will be forgotten for SEVENty years
• The sun will become seven times brighter – like the light of seven full days
• Ezekiel sat with those at Tel Aviv seven days and then the Word of the Lord came to him
• SEVENy elders in Ezekiels vision
• Israeli will burn the weapons of those they defeat for fuel for seven years
• Will tale Israelites seven months to bury the dead in the valley of Hamon Gog
• Seven steps on the Ezekiel temple north and south. Section 7 cubits wide, 70 cubits wide
• Seven days making atonement at Ezekiel temple – then be accepted.
• Priest waits seven days after contact with death in Ezekiel’s temple
• Ezekiel’s vision – 1st and 7th days unintentional sin offerings. (14th day Passover)
• Nebuchadnezzar deranged for 7 years
• SEVENTY sevens decreed between Daniels vision. Also 62 sevens. Also one seven .Jesus will raise 7 shepherds (and 8 commanders) to rule
• Zechariah – 7 eyes on a stone (7 eyes of the Lord).
• 7 lamps and channels on gold lampstand
• 7 loaves and 2 fish (as in pairs on Noahs ark) Then 7 baskets leftover

And if you make it this far… another intriguing thing is how often the number “3” shows up in sync with “7”.

To read at Easter

I wrote this little series of posts over the Easter weekend of 2014. I would go to my computer around the times significant events took place on the days of crucifixtion-death-resurrection, read the Scriptures, try to immerse myself in them and this is what I posted at intervals.

17 April 2014

“Moonlight streamed through the olive trees and though He asked us to watch with Him – we fell asleep. In years to come we agonised together over so many failings, the fact we slept, just one. Excuses and justifications – full bellies and wine, full days and fear – all true, but excuses. We slept though He asked us to wait. We slept though he asked us to watch. We slept though He asked us to pray. We slept while He sweat drops of blood on the ground. How could we? How could we!……….. We did”
Exodus 12:42 Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come.

Continue reading “To read at Easter”

Missing the signs

You know that scene in Bruce Almighty where Bruce is driving along asking God for a sign and there are all these neon and traffic signs along the road telling him what he needs to know but he doesn’t recognise the signs as imminently relevant to him? I often think of that scene… And today for extra reason.

Today I did something that reaches something close to the pinnacle of ditzyest kinds of things I’ve ever done and all the way along there were signs that I missed.

I had a folder of papers to take miss 13 to the bank and afterward went to the ladies room. I put it down thinking “must not forget. Must not forget”. And forgot.

Sign number one. Nothing in my hands when leaving.

Went to KMart where we were served by one of Miss 13’s friends who told us she had heard our name over the PA system. It made no sense and I didn’t try to figure it out.

Sign number two.

Got in car looking forward to the rest of our day, speaking of having been to the bank.

Didn’t notice absent folder. Sign number three.

Spent our day and got a call later at Harbour Town letting me know someone had found the folder and handed it in.

Sign number four which changes tack. The first three signs are either signs that Heather is a forgetful ditz. Or that my subconscious was trying to tell me something. Or that God was whispering but my head was too busy to pay attention.

Sign four certainly got it. God was paying attention where I wasn’t and enabled this folder to be safe.

Sign five – Mr 17 was nearby and able to go and collect it.

Sign six – Miss R at the desk is known to our family 🙂 so I felt as though the folder had been is super special safe keeping all day.

Sign seven is that Heather needs to pay closer attention to the things she does and/or make some new strategies to catch herself on future possible similar disasters.

Sign eight is that Someone Else was paying attention better than I was myself. He doesn’t always save us from the consequences of our own creation but today for me , He did.

And I am so very grateful.

To speak or not to speak

29 March 2014 · The worst thing about being hopping mad at a time when you can’t do anything about it – is that you can’t do anything about it. The best thing about being hopping mad at a time when you can’t do anything about it – is that you can’t do anything about it.

29 March 2014 · So today as I’ve spent time mulling over the thing I was hopping mad about I’ve exhausted my need to hop and am calm tho quietly frustrated and sad – and glad of the forced time to think and be prayerful. There’s a quote picture thingy floating around on these pages that asks:

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? – as a rule of thumb for posting on FB. I do like it but have needed more questions today as I’ve thought on things. These are:

If I don’t speak up will anything bad happen? (Possibly… In a connect the dots kind of a way)

In the overall scheme of things, how much damage has been done? (Minimal)

Is there a principle involved? (Most assuredly – and herein lies my trap of the past).

So will I speak up? Well first I discuss with my less fuzzy other half… And then we will see. But at least I’m in a better head space.

Some years ago I had a picture of myself trapped stationary under a mighty hand of love. A strange one for sure, but then I read “You hem me in, You are behind me and before me” and I eventually ceased the struggle to free myself of that Hand.

How and what do you do to regulate yourself when hopping mad?

Waiting in the hallway

I have had a sense of waiting, or of being ‘put on hold’, or of change a’coming several times in my life.

The first time I was aware of it, it lasted for years. I had a sense of being like a toddler kicking, crying and thrashing but with my Daddy’s hand so firmly on my head that I could not hurt myself or do any damage or move in any direction – comforting and frustrating all at once.

I have learned first hand that the hallways have their own purposes and that sometimes we find ourselves striding into the next room and sometimes we wake up and find we’re already there.

Pigs and pearls, good as evil

27 March 2014

It’s a tricky balance this speaking up for what you believe on a public forum.

This verse is about appropriate application – NOT name calling – and is often my decider on whether to get involved or not. (Usually not)

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

You might just as easily say “do not hang your fragile crystal in a hurricane and expect it back intact”.

I have been torn to pieces in the past… unnecessarily because I didn’t understand/apply this proverb.

It isn’t of course a stand-alone principle- there are always other things to consider… like this:

“Therefore do not let what you know is good be spoken of as evil.”

But even that is clarifying… the reverse can be a trap.