To speak or not to speak

29 March 2014 · The worst thing about being hopping mad at a time when you can’t do anything about it – is that you can’t do anything about it. The best thing about being hopping mad at a time when you can’t do anything about it – is that you can’t do anything about it.

29 March 2014 · So today as I’ve spent time mulling over the thing I was hopping mad about I’ve exhausted my need to hop and am calm tho quietly frustrated and sad – and glad of the forced time to think and be prayerful. There’s a quote picture thingy floating around on these pages that asks:

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? – as a rule of thumb for posting on FB. I do like it but have needed more questions today as I’ve thought on things. These are:

If I don’t speak up will anything bad happen? (Possibly… In a connect the dots kind of a way)

In the overall scheme of things, how much damage has been done? (Minimal)

Is there a principle involved? (Most assuredly – and herein lies my trap of the past).

So will I speak up? Well first I discuss with my less fuzzy other half… And then we will see. But at least I’m in a better head space.

Some years ago I had a picture of myself trapped stationary under a mighty hand of love. A strange one for sure, but then I read “You hem me in, You are behind me and before me” and I eventually ceased the struggle to free myself of that Hand.

How and what do you do to regulate yourself when hopping mad?