Truth or truth?

A lovely older friend of mine says “we all choose our own experts”. I have thought about this often as I consider opposing points of view and the origin of my own.

What do you make of this statement?

VSP πŸ™‚


What if… instead of looking at the Old Testament law as a list of do’s and don’ts, we looked behind the instructions to what they showed us of Who God Is? What if we looked for His heart, His requirements, His provisions FIRST?


VSP πŸ™‚

Regarding questions

Questions that LEAD to the pursuit of truth are true questions. Questions that deconstruct truth are a repetition of those of the serpent “Is that what God reeeally said?” I have been guilty of this. It feels ‘deep’ to think something ‘new’ yet truth is truth and the serpent is cunning and if he can, he will blind us with his own form of ‘light’.

(This was a VSP – very short post πŸ™‚ )