The slightly disconcerting thing about the graphic above is that I wrote that story at about age 6, and all but the last page of it has come to be – and in the order it is written. Now perhaps theres some prophetic license being entered into here but this little story has long caused mirth in our family. It was first read out at my 21st – married then for 18 months and no kids in sight for a while – all those babies were ficticious hilarity but even then it was noted that I had indeed:
- Been born
- Grown up
- Had birthdays (not so strange this far I know but then…)
- Was injured in a major car accident at age 18 and
- Married my Rod at age 19
It was tucked away again until my 40th birthday – at which I was pregnant. This child was realised to have been conceived with the most outrageous amount of disbelief/joy/belief/laughter I’ve ever known. You see we’d had six kids in ten years, had surgically shut shop in that department – but one summers day seven years later, found ‘the snip’ had reversed itself naturally and at age 40 another was on the way.
I couldn’t remember how many babies were in that story so when I dug it out to read at that birthday, I held my breath and counted to 7 and laughed some more as did everyone at my party that year.
6. 1990 – we had a baby
7. 1991 – we had another baby
8. 1994 – we had another baby
9. 1996 – we had another baby
10. 1998 – we had another baby
11. 2000 – we had another baby
12. 2007 – we had another baby
And we tucked the story away again until I turned 50. And what had made no sense at 40 then did.
13. I taught my children how to write
14. To spell
15. And safety – 2015 came the homeschooling shift after 20 years of kids in school.
And now only the last page makes no sense. And again I wonder if I’m seeing what isn’t there. Just the rambling of a 6 year old that has already had more attention than it deserves? – or will I look at it age 60 and see the next portion making sense? The ‘shop’ has been shut surgically and hormonally now – so two more babies?!! And then we all croak it! Who knows. God knows. 🙂