Dividing the playground

Been thinking on the term “best friend”.
Why do we accept this idea…
Why do we feel the need to grade each other…
Who introduced the notion…
Why do we give it validity…
Who says there is only one that should be the closEST.
Where does it begin… childhood yes I know really… but where does it end…
Does it ever?

Grown women still dividing the playground.
What’s wrong with just being friends?

Good friends, great friends, friends who love, friends who have more and some who have less time to grow together – but friends.

Why isn’t that beautiful word enough on its own?


Someone once said to me that hope can be very dangerous, and Proverbs says “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” but today I am grateful that hope can spring up like magically appearing stepping stones that show you the way to go within a sea of “agggggghhhhh!”…

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him.”

All the facts. Maybe.

The first time I paid any attention to the following proverb was in the context of parenting… “The first to state his case seems right, until his opponent begins to cross-examine him”.

You know the drill, you question your child about something that’s just happened and you go marching off to nab the other child – the guilty one. But then the one deemed guilty objects to their impending fate and you start to doubt that you’d heard all the facts previously.

Continue reading “All the facts. Maybe.”

She sashayed down the aisle

I first saw her 25 years ago when she sashayed down the aisle of the airplane in a white (and what I learned later was her favourite, Maggie Shepherd) dress. (Yes I really used the word ‘sashayed’). We chatted at the layover and then again in the lobby of the hotel where we were all staying. Several years my senior, belief systems poles apart, different lifestyles and backgrounds but somehow an instant connection.

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Evening friends

Over the years I have mostly dreaded going along to work functions. First as a shy young wife, then as the much younger wife of a new director and then as the wife not of the same ethnicity as the rest of the wives being the only one who didn’t get her shoes and jewellery made at the same places. Haven’t had many work do’s of late… tho this group has been the easiest I’ve ever spent time with…

Continue reading “Evening friends”