Today’s Table Traveller recipe was inspired by the movie Ratatouille and from when I ate Ratatouille on our holiday in Paris. I wanted to eat it since I’d seen the movie, and be able to say I’d had it! We had lunch on our first day in Paris in a little cafe beside Notre Dame. We didn’t take a photo of it but I really loved it so Mum and I made it today.
A raffle, a baby and a heart full of hope
Once upon a time a little 9 year old girl folded her heart full of hope into a tiny piece of paper with her name written on it, to go into a draw for the most desired prize she’d ever heard of. With every fold, her heart was pleading ‘please, please’ to be one of two from the class able to travel with the relief teacher to visit their much adored year 3 teacher at the hospital with her brand new baby.
Continue reading “A raffle, a baby and a heart full of hope”Approaching the Bible 2 – digging in
Recognising a desire to dig deeper into the Bible is already a response to His call… it’s an awareness that there is treasure waiting to be found… Life waiting to be breathed in… a ‘deep calls to deep’ response taking form. Beautiful.
Continue reading “Approaching the Bible 2 – digging in”Table Travellers – Week 8
It’s been a while since our last Table Trip but now the holidays are over we’re back into it!
Today we made Olliebollen which is a type of Dutch donut but we thought they tasted pretty much like normal donuts. We decided to make them because of a photo that friend of ours posted when they were in the Netherlands on holiday and we thought they looked pretty good.
Continue reading “Table Travellers – Week 8”Don’t Stay Stuck
Over the years as different issues have arisen, I’ve sought out different counsellors to help work some things through. Why? because it’s sensible when you’ve come to the end of what you know, to get outside input… sometimes life throws curving curling issues at you – and sometimes several at once.
Continue reading “Don’t Stay Stuck”Take Two Bananas & a Blackboard
Sometimes people put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4 – but what they don’t realise is the digits they added were not the correct ones in play. If you need to add 2 bananas to 2 bananas because you see 2 bananas and 2 bananas on your kitchen bench – that is great. But if you are analysing someone elses life and assume what you see is a 2 and what you’ve read or heard causes that problem is a 2 you likely don’t know that your equation is a full size blackboard covered in chalk short of accurate information.
No this is not about someone passing judgement on me and mine – but I can say it because I’ve experienced the pain of that. And I’ve done it. And am very ashamed.

We all just need to stop it.
This has been a VSP 🙂