Forgiveness – The ideas attributed to forgiveness are often pre-packaged with a whole host of assumptions, a tonne of pain, a few shovelfuls of offence, confusion about moving forward etc etc etc and when you’re in the middle of a knot it can be pretty tricky to figure out which is what. It’s also pretty often that the knot itself is what gets in the way of being able to forgive when we assume more is meant by it than is so.
Continue reading “Unpacking forgiveness”Moving out of home
Leaving the home of your childhood on good terms has a sweetness and a piquancy to it and has been an illustration to me of how it has felt to move on from the church community I spent about 40 years of my life in… but just like parents don’t stop being parents, church family doesn’t stop being family regardless of the meeting place.
An odd prayer and its answer
I asked God for a Scripture about glue (long story). This is how He answered. “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17). Not bad eh!
Last ride to school
To the tune of “99 Bottles of Beer” – written after 20 years of our kids attending school – taking the last two out to start homeschooling! <3
9000 trips to school on my clock,
9000 trips to school
You take them down and turn around
9000 trips to school.
Mismatched definitions
It still amuses me after all these years that when a child asks a question or the meaning of a word it so often turns out to NOT to be the question or answer that first crosses my mind.
This mornings word meaning/question was “Mum, what is a mistress?”
Continue reading “Mismatched definitions”Worth it
Loving sacrificially.
Loving unconditionally.
We only find out what they mean when we fully know how hard they are to do.
Firsts and lasts
Firsts and lasts sometimes come or go with great notice. Like a birth – the last day of pregnancy becomes the first day of raising a child – and it is usually celebrated. Or a death – the last day of life becomes the first day of living without – and the life that has passed is celebrated, recalled and grieved for.
Continue reading “Firsts and lasts”Perseverance?!
Some situations make you feel like you’re in a paper bag that you SHOULD be able to break out of, but can’t.
Continue reading “Perseverance?!”See
See yourself.
See yourself standing in your spot on the planet.
See yourself in your spot on the planet
as a singular dot existing in a sphere of time.
See your dot on the planet in the sphere of time within another sphere
called “the lower heavens”.
See your dot on the planet in its place in time in the lower heavens
in the never-ending multi-dimension called eternity.
The box is too small
I remember learning in school that there were five senses. Just lately I’ve read a couple of things suggesting that there are way MORE than five. The five we know… sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing…
Continue reading “The box is too small”