
It is a strange, stark, scary, wonderful, desperately sad, terrifyingly eye opening, amazing thing when finally seeing you’ve held inconsistent or opposing ideas that simply cannot coexist and therefore undermine and undercut each other.
Strange because it has not been seen before. The thoughts in opposition have lain deep below conscious thought.

Continue reading “Epiphanies!”

Sleepless nights

Have you ever noticed a difference between night-time thoughts and daytime thoughts?  By ‘night-time thoughts’, I specifically mean the ones that roll around in your head when you’d rather be asleep?  I usually sleep like a slab of concrete. Head down – BAM – that’s it till Rod turns on the shower in the morning but sometimes… no.

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Getting lost and found

Sometimes when we lose our way in life, it’s like we’ve been whacked with a 4′ x 2′ in one of those old cartoons where the poor critter staggers about for a bit seeing stars and then comes to their senses quite quickly. Other times – the way has been lost incrementally, degree by degree over time without particular notice, but then one day something jolts us awake – and we find we are nowhere that we would have chosen to be – had we seen the end from the beginning.

Continue reading “Getting lost and found”


I have tried for so many years to get things right. Still do in many ways but there was a specific moment in time when I not only knew God was God over muddles and imperfection and it was that moment the striving stopped. Things were a muddle. I couldn’t unmuddle it. And I finally threw myself into His bigness, full of need and the most honest I’d probably ever been with myself.

This was a VSP – Very Short Post 🙂